Monday, June 25, 2007

Blog? What's that?

Donnez-moi les escargots.
(Give me the snails)
This is my first attempt at a "blog" as the kids like to say. This will be my blog for my upcoming year in Paris. It's getting closer and closer, and yet somehow less real to me. Two days ago, the 23rd, is exactly two months from the date of my flight. I seriously still can't believe i'm going to be living/working/studying/EATING in Paris soon. Gah! I'm so excited/nervous.

Things I'm excited about:
-Walking down the Seine and being ultra-touristy for the first few weeks (read: months)
-Meeting new people
-Easy public transit (Good bye and good riddance MUNI)
-Speaking French

Things I'm nervous about:
-Speaking French
-Are the French really as rude/unfriendly as I've been told? (Surely those are stereotypes...right? ...right?)
-Finding an apartment!
-The kids I'm going to be teaching (I've heard some horror stories)



Uncle Todd said...

Salut Taylor,

Je suis vraiment excité pour vous pour être à Paris. N'oubliez pas de garder nous tous actualisés sur votre progrès. Si vous pouvez s'il vous plaît poster des peintures sur votre BLOG. Aussi, si le Français est impoli à vous il est bien pour cracher sur eux. Ils ça aiment. La bonne chance Taylor et a une année grande!! (My French is a little rusty).

Oncle Todd

Anonymous said...

I will miss u ALOT TAY TAY!!!
love ya.

Aunt Shellie said...

I had no idea Uncle Todd knew french....go Toddeo!

I'm waiting for your news from France....please BLOG soon!

Aunt Shellie

Grandpa Willie said...

Hi Taylor,

Vive la France!! How are the french fries????? French toast??? French vanilla ice cream?? Snails???

Blog soon and send pictures. Waiting impatiently!!!

Je t'eme,
Grandpa Willie, Aunt Shellie, and Mom